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  • Bauer, W., Krüger, F. & Titz, A. (2024): Naturbasierte Lösungen für eine nachhaltige und inklusive Stadtentwicklung im subsaharischen Afrika. Das Beispiel Lilongwe, Malawi. Standort, Februar 2024.
  • Bauersachs, T., Schubert, C. J., Mayr, C., Gilli, A., & Schwark, L. (2024): Branched GDGT-based temperature calibrations from Central European lakes. Science of The Total Environment 906, 167724.
  • Bertram, D. (2024): Cross-border regional planning: Functional integration and spatial planning in border regions. Mitteilungen der Fränkischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 70.
  • Bertram, D., Chilla, T., & Hippe, S. (2023): The laboratory dimension in cross-border development: insights from the Czech-German border region. Trendy v podnikání – Business Trends (2023), 13(2), 4-16.
  • Fürst, J.J., Farías-Barahona, D., Blindow, N. Casassa, G., Gacitúa, G., Koppes, M., Lodolo, E., Millan, R., Minowa, M., Mouginot, J., Pȩtlicki, M., Rignot, E., Rivera, A., Skvarca, P., Stuefer, M., Sugiyama, S., Uribe, J., Zamora, R., Braun, M.H., Gillet-Chaulet, F., Malz, P., Meier, W.J.-H. & Schaefer, M. (2024): The foundations of the Patagonian icefields. Commun Earth Environ 5, 142. 22 March 2024
  • Hinzmann, A., Mölg, T., Braun, M., Cullen, N. J., Hardy, D. R., Kaser, G., & Prinz, R. (2024): Tropical glacier loss in East Africa: recent areal extents on Kilimanjaro, Mount Kenya, and in the Rwenzori Range from high-resolution remote sensing data. Environmental Research: Climate, 3(1), 011003.
  • Hofmann, F. M., Groos, A. R., Morabito, E. G., Struck, J., Gnägi, C., Scharf, A., Rugel, A., Merchel, S. & Zech, R. (2023): A regional assessment of the deglaciation history of the Swiss Plateau based on newly obtained and re-evaluated Be-10 cosmic-ray exposure ages. Quaternary Science Advances, 13, 100124,
  • Kordel, S., Weidinger, T. & Spenger, D. (2024): Ehrenamtliches Engagement für und von Migrantinnen und Migranten in ländlichen Räumen: Das Forschungsprojekt EMILIE, Befunde, Handlungsempfehlungen und Gute-Praxis-Beispiele. Erlangen.
  • Messmer, J. & Groos, A. R. (2024): A low-cost and open-source approach for supraglacial debris thickness mapping using UAV-based infrared thermography. The Cryosphere, 18, 719–746,
  • Voordendag, A., Goger, B., Prinz, R., Sauter, T., Mölg, T., Saigger, M., and Kaser, G. (2024): A novel framework to investigate wind-driven snow redistribution over an Alpine glacier: combination of high-resolution terrestrial laser scans and large-eddy simulations. The Cryosphere, 18, 849–868,
  • Weidinger, T., Spenger, D. & Kordel, S. (2024): Becoming active agents through practices of volunteering: Immigrants’ experiences in rural Germany. Social Inclusion (Special Issue: Migrants’ Inclusion in Rural Communities), DOI: 10.17645/si.7677.